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::::Как поднять свой уровень катания?:::: | by everest
Непрочитано 02.06.2005, 18:21   # 1
Аватар для everest
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По умолчанию ::::Как поднять свой уровень катания?::::
Впроче я умею подкрут, пробив и всякие мелочи. То что надо больше кататься, для поднятия уровня я знаю. Но мож надо по ходу катания чё то конкретное делать?
Непрочитано 02.06.2005, 18:29   # 2
Аватар для korney
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помимо катания на байке, необходимо тренироваться и без него. тоесть надо выходить не улицу и прыгать в длинну, в высоту и т.д.
Непрочитано 02.06.2005, 18:36   # 3
Аватар для Simp
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это все мышечная память
надо просто доблить фишки до такой степени пока у тебя количество не перейдет в качество
ведь у Бенито Роса не выросли от этого какие-то особые мышцы...
у него гиганский опыт и большое количество накопленой мышечной памяти...
Непрочитано 02.06.2005, 18:38   # 4
Аватар для Njoy
Регистрация: 30.05.2003
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ОФП по-любому. гирьки потягай и тп. посмотри в роликах как ТРА тренируется и все поймешь
Непрочитано 02.06.2005, 18:46   # 5
Аватар для korney
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korney вне форума
если есть переводчик или знаешь англиский:
очень полезная и правильная информация
Непрочитано 02.06.2005, 19:16   # 6
Аватар для Fars
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ТРА тренеруется, потому что хочет хорошо выглядеть! Когда он просто едит с прямыми руками, трицепс прикольно выперает! Бенито вообще худой, а пуляет повыше Томаса! Это всё тренировка, просто каждую фишку и высоту нужо долго долбить. Я вот вчера и не думал, что смогу запрыгнуть на стенку, а после 20-ой попытки почти на заднее вышел!!!
Непрочитано 02.06.2005, 20:01   # 7
Аватар для korney
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korney вне форума
просто если тренироваться без вела, то уровень катания с велом будет идти быстрее
Непрочитано 02.06.2005, 20:08   # 8
Аватар для Serget
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Не делай фишки бездумно.
Если что-то не получается, остановись, успокойся, подумай, что именно тебе надо сделать и что ты делаешь не так. Прокрути все в голове, выдели моменты, на которых надо сконцентрироваться, сосредоточься именно на них. Может быть у тебя уже выработались какие-то неправильные рефлексы и устранять их нужно "через силу", принудительно делая не то, что "хотят" делать мышцы, а то, что они должны делать.

Когда фишка хорошо засела в мышечной памяти, то она должна идти только не рефлексах, без высшей нервной деятельности. Но когда ты ее только тренируешь - надо думать
Кстати, ТРА тоже так считает

И еще - делай то, что не получается
Непрочитано 02.06.2005, 20:36   # 9
Аватар для korney
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Сообщение от Serget
И еще - делай то, что не получается
в основном те фишки которые не получаются, стоановятся любимыми по себе знаю надо заставлять себя их дрючить
Непрочитано 02.06.2005, 20:39   # 10
Аватар для ALEXхX
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ещё нужен опыт, а чтобы был опыт надо постоянно котать. Опыт выробатывается со временем
Непрочитано 02.06.2005, 23:49   # 11
Аватар для Meridean/PND
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Не слушай никого!

Слушай меня!

Купи кучу порева,сиди и дрочи пока кисти не отваляцца!

Кстати,ТРА так тоже считает
Непрочитано 02.06.2005, 23:55   # 12
Аватар для Антон П.
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а еще по мойму технику фишки надо дрочить... вот к примеру крутку... ну типо макс я запрыгиваю на 5 поддонов но редко... так ты бкри 4 и просто оттачивай технику... рывок , вкручивание расстояния до препядствия.. и тд... потом стаыишь 5 поддонов и залитаешь на них так же рефлектороно , ка и на 4!!! вот так я дрочусь....
Непрочитано 03.06.2005, 00:06   # 13
Аватар для Malinych
Регистрация: 29.12.2004
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Не слушай никого!

Слушай меня!

Купи кучу порева,сиди и дрочи пока кисти не отваляцца!

Кстати,ТРА так тоже считает

а вообще поучавствуй в соревнованиях, говорят, это уровень офигенно поднимает

в стрите можешь снять тормоза - нереальный скачок вверх(если только это не ньюскул стрит)! любую фишку тебе надо делать нереально чисто, с четким приземлением. Оттачивается техника мануала

зы я катаю без тормозов

ззы меридеан дело говорит, полностью с ним согласен
Непрочитано 03.06.2005, 00:32   # 14
Аватар для Fars
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Способ Меридиана по-любому самый продуктивный! ИМХО!
Я советую совмещать его с остальными!

На счёт оттачивать на более низкое препядствие... Хм, лично мне это не помогает, вот когда я на заведомо высокое патыюсь запрыгнуть, вот тогда всё больше и больше ревок делаю...
Непрочитано 03.06.2005, 01:13   # 15
Аватар для Tiky
Регистрация: 06.05.2005
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Можеш почитать интервью TRA в Mountin Biker-е(это номер где TRA на обложке).Это старый номер в продаже его уже нет(поспрашивай у знакомых).Там TRA рассказывает как он тренируется(написано там немного, но все же полезно прочесть).

Ну и ниже могу привести статьи TRA :use of the brain,gapping,sidehop.
1)The use of the brain, it's a forgotten subject. The placebo effect. Back 5

"It's all in your mind"
My saying is: " If you want to become a better rider, getting stronger mentally is the way to go!"
- Thomas Remvik Aasen

It's the brain that controls everything, and very few people do really know how strong the brain really is. I say that if you convince the brain enough, you can see a pink dragon if you like to, its just all about being strong enough mentally a guy told me. That was when i was doing moto trials. He said "If I have a pain in my back. I don't think if there's something wrong with it. I think of my life, if something isn't the way it should be, what is stressing me, that is most likely the problem" The brain makes it into a pain. That is child stuff for the brain. There are so many hidden powers in there that you should try to use. People use far from all their strength normally. There have been mothers who have lifted cars because the children were laying under it. If you set your brain to it 110% you will get a lot more out of it then normally (anything really). I guess you use like 70% of your true strength, even though you try to use em all! The use of the brain is also like 12% or summit ridiculous low like that.

So when your going at stuff in trials you should concentrate on using ALL of your hidden powers in you to get that little extra. Maybe you can even like sidehop 10" higher! Mental blocks... If you don't trust in yourself you will never make it. Sometimes I can see that in the eyes of other rider's if they are going to make it up or not. When you're going at something you can't think, "I don't think I'll make it up". You have to commit 110% and think "I'm making it up here!!!" No matter WHAT! ABSOLUTELY committed is what you have to be! You will see this everywhere, for example in weight lifting, do you think the guy going for 600 pounds in bench press thinks "This is so heavy I'm not going to make it!" No, he is thinking more like: "aaargh this is going up no matter what! I'm giving it ALL, I got ARGHH!" AND he gets it up, you think it stops there? No! Then when he have gotten it up he shouts/thinks, "that was easy!" Why? Because if you have the right attitude, the right way of thinking, if you convince the brain enough you can do anything!

Some have mental blocks in like "oh I can't ride in rain, I can't ride when it's slippery" or something like that. If you think that you will automatically stink in it even though you might actually be good at it. What you should do is to try to get rid of all your mental blocks, instead of saying to yourself "I suck when it's slippery". You say "I'm actually quite good when it's slippery". Of course "slippery" is just an example; it can be about everything really, gaps, side hops, braking.

Fear is a mental block, if your afraid when your doing something you can't concentrate properly, you have to eliminate all fear! You should be aware of the danger but you should not be afraid. How to do it? Well that's mostly for you to find out, the best thing is not to think at all! Don't think of the danger, just do it! I have another saying that is "Gravity? No respect!" This have helped me a lot, I don't want to do 40 inches side hop and 7 feet drops, what is that? That is nearly flat! I want to do 70inch side hops and 30 feet drops! Therefore I train and have a dream of getting unmanly springiness and physique (I wear a superman bracelet on my arm)(кстати у TRA автарка с суперменом ). I love to fly! Jumping down 15 feet to legs on grass is just a laugh for me. Some times I wonder what would have happened if I didn't believe in myself falling the 15 feet. It would probably turn out ugly! "20 feet you might think "That is a super human!" But it may only be that he has belief in himself and knows what he`s doing, nothing else" He knows it will turn out well, that is nothing!! The human body is capable of so much more than you actually think.

So what to do while riding a section (or whatever)? You should not think at all, don't think at the consequences, the danger, if your gonna make it or not, just ride. When coming to hard parts like a big side hop or gap, concentrate a bit more to use all those extra powers to get up, maybe a bit more on techniques but they should come automatically. But the thing that is really vital and have sooo much to say is how much you struggle to get up, one dab is one point so you should NOT dab! Give it some real effort, jump around like a freaking monkey if you have to, but do not put that foot down! Here is no point of being lazy, do WHATEVER you can to not set that foot down (THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT). Giving that little extra effort (or huge) to not put a foot down could have everything to say, you might end up at 20th place instead of first! But it isn't just in competitions you do this. It's whenever! If you put down a foot in training, you will probably put a foot down when it counts as well, because that's what you're used to.

Bruce Lee once said "You should do it with real effort, not anger, but with feelings"

But what should you have in mind in general when riding trials? A lot of guys have the wrong thoughts when riding, thinking stuff like "I'm gonna show em", And when failing at stuff (they could never do at first place) they say "OH OMG! THIS IS SO F***ING BAD ¤#%#%"#"#%#" ARGH DAMMIT WHY THE F*** ?=!! ! THIS SUCK!!"(Представляю TRA пьяным )) This is a very bad thing. You make yourself angry/unstable and not capable of riding. When riding you should only have one thought and that is to ride! Keeping in mind from before, always struggle hard to NOT put that foot down. If you do fail do a little "dammit" or nothing at all, you failed, it isn't lethal. Just think of what you did wrong and leave it behind you. There's nothing more to do, it have happened and you just have to forget it. JUST RIDE AND GIVE IT EFFORT!

Remember that if you want to be good, you really have to work for it. You didn't come out of your mom with a trials bike in your hands! (Even then you would most likely suck without training) When I'm training on touch hops, I may be doing 5 touch hops in a row with ease and still not be happy with the result. I maybe didn't get the height I want.

So I hope you understand how the brain works now.. Remember, I do not say thinking right away it will make you do 60" side hops. Fitness is a huge part of it. But that will be in another article. But it will help you to become a better rider. Not just bike trials, but it can help you in everything you do.

In short:

- Be sure you make it!
- 110% dedicated!
- Reach out for all those hidden powers and use them!!
- Get rid of any mental blocks. Be positive!!
- Get a goal to work towards. You have to have an ambition, this is REALLY important!!
- You should not think while riding a section (or whatever), if you get into trouble, then stop and think (keeping in mind you do from before always struggle hard to NOT put that foot down)
- Just ride and give it effort!
- The placebo effect, if you just believe it enough, the mind makes it real.

You have probably had a dream that you were so sure were real. The brain is capable of so much. I have dreamt that I was flying across mountains. I have made up a landscape in my mind, a landscape with millions of trees; there are rivers, snow, little branches, waves, and different unknown people. It's just so strong.

- Thomas Remvik Aasen

Мораль здесь такова, что нужно иметь большую силу воли, а гланое желание достич высоких результатов.
Непрочитано 03.06.2005, 01:22   # 16
Аватар для Tiky
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А вот тут TRA раскажет как делать гэпы.
There is so much to gapping. Here are three common mistakes: Back 5

1.not jumping when you throw your weight forward.
2.not hoping up, dropping the front end and really pushing down on the rear end when you land before you gap.
3.Not getting low and far back enough on the bike before you launch.
Ok, first you do is to get a bike! THEN:

Before you do an attempt at the gap you should from beforehand have visualized it and thought it over many times.
1.Roll in front to the edge, get on the rear wheel, place yourself about 1-2 inch from the edge where you take off from.
2.Psyche you up, then do a little "jump" and then go really low and far back on the bike, your ass should just about hit the rear tire and arms stretched out.
3.Then at the same time as you push yourself really (with all the power you have) hard forward you KICK hard down with your feet (resulting in that you jump).
4.Then you do a slightly hard push in the pedals.
5.Then get very far in front (head in front of the bars!) as you push the rear end as far forward as you possible can (the bike should be as vertical as possible). But on very far gaps its not likely you will be able to do this (because of the height), what you should do then is to rise the bike a bit up so your helmet is just about to rub against your stem.
6.And when you hit with the rear wheel you push your bike really hard down in front of you making enough energy that you can pull yourself forward again without falling back.

TRA tips:
When you do a gap its often common to get the bike in an angle (that will result in getting a bit more air and shortening the gap). I always do this on big gaps and I also place myself in an angle before I take off. Then its easier to get the landing in an angle as well and this will result in bigger gaps.

Pedal gap:
Common mistakes:
1.Taking off with the last pedal stroke
2.Not getting far enough in front
3.Not jumping.

So here is what you do:
NOTE: This is base on that you ride with your left foot forward, if not you just turn it around.
1. Get some speed (if you want). Get a bit low on bike (so you are able to spring up more and get more height). Have your left foot forward ready to go. Start pedaling and when your right foot starts you use it to lift the front a bit up, pedal around and then shoot off hard with your left foot at the same time as you jump (quite hard to pedal and jump at the same time but that's the trick). Lifting this early will result in getting your rear end far in front of you.
2. Get really far in front (head as much in front of bars as possible) and push the rear end as far in front of you as you can, the bike should be even more than vertical!!
3. Land.

TRA tips:
Also here you can try to twist the bike in the air and get it on an angle, this will result in bigger gaps.
Gaps with rise:
Same except that you pull the bike up in the air to get the rear tire as high as possible.

-Thomas Remvik Aasen
Непрочитано 03.06.2005, 01:23   # 17
Аватар для Tiky
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А здесь у нас сайдхоп .
Want to know how to sideop like TRA? Common mistakes: Back 5

Not using your full strength and not maximizing the use of your body.

Doing sidehop with a little hop before going for it:

1.Get in position, do a trackstand.

2. Visualize the move

3. Do a little jump 1-2" over ground land and go deep ready for your launch (front wheel should be in air at this point)

4. Then pull as hard as you can on your bars (Don't just pull your bars towards you but you should try to pull yourself upwards) at the same time as you jump (really give it some effort! you can gain inches with using all your strength instead of just jumping). Then near the end you give it a little kick with the pedals. (You should be leaning just a tiny bit when doing this, if not you will just jump up and down, hehe)

5. Then you push your bike forward as you twist the grips forward as well, and pulling your bike up with your feet (that's leveling it out)

Then there are two ways. One is to go as far back as you can and try to get behind the wheel of the bike, this I use when I'm sidehoping to rear wheel (but you can use the second method to backwheel as well but its hard). The second way is to rise the bike and get it besides your ass (your arms should not be stretched out here), just twist the bike a little bit and get it up on the side, this way you will get higher.

Doing sidehop from trackstand:

1.Get into the position of a trackstand

2. Visualize the move

3. Go high on your bike to get more speed downwards. Then go hard and quick down and at once reached the desirable point you shoot up as HARD as you can as you pull as hard as you can in your bars. Don't just pull your bars towards you but you should try to pull yourself upwards. (All this should be done so fast its all in one motion!) Then near the end you give it a little kick with the pedals. (You should be leaning just a tiny bit when doing this, if not you will just jump up and down, hehe)

5. Then you push your bike forward as you twist the grips forward as well, and pulling your bike up with your feet (that's leveling it out)

Then there are two ways.. One is to go as far back as you can and try to get behind the wheel of the bike, this I use when I'm sidehoping to rear wheel (but you can use the second method to backwheel as well but its hard). The second way is to rise the bike and get it besides your ass (your arms should not be stretched out here), just twist the bike a little bit and get it up on the side, this way you will get higher. I myself like most the one with a little jump in front, cuz then I can develop more power from the whole body, get more spring from tires and frame as you pushes down harder.

Then there's a technique used for getting higher on to edges.

As you go up you place the front wheel on top and pull the rear end up after you.

Two techniques here.

One is that when you jump (you would be leaning much forward at this point so its easier to pull rear end up!) You place your front wheel on top and pull in your front brake a little (not all the way) as you pull the rear end up (by pushing bike forward, twisting the grips and rising it with your feet). Again you can push your bike up on the side of you if you need to do so, this will get you higher

The other is that instead of not pulling your brake all the way in you do so, you land with your front wheel on top, push brake in, rise the rear end and slide it into place. (I would recommend the first technique.)

Tip of tire pressure, if you want to do high sidehops, u want to ride with a tire pressure where when u do sidehops u just flatten the tire.

-Thomas Remvik Aasen
Непрочитано 03.06.2005, 01:24   # 18
Аватар для korney
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ноябрьский номер!
Непрочитано 03.06.2005, 01:37   # 19
Аватар для Tiky
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2Everest:А вообще на эту тему у буржуев было много разговоров.Поиши темы на забугорных форумах .
Непрочитано 03.06.2005, 02:33   # 20
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Мой совет очень прост выходиш на улицу, и по 10 чесов в день тренируешся и тренеруешся, а также надо смотреть качественое и красивое видео. Я делаю имено так Имхо.
::::Как поднять свой уровень катания?:::: | by everest

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